+255 789 199290 | +255 768 583848



We invite your employees to a training on Effective Records Management to be conducted in Arusha, Tanzania. The training intends to promote effectiveness in record management activities through elements such as work organisation, planning, system implementation and records appraisal.  The training acknowledges the importance of records management in strategic decision making, therefore, it puts emphasis on its relevance for effective decisions. Therefore, we believe that your organisation, will use this opportunity to develop skills of your employees in this important area of your organisation


The objective of this training is to enable participants to acquire skills needed in ensuring effective record management to their organisation. The following are the proposed training areas: -

  • How carry out organizational recordkeeping requirements analysis 
  • How to develop a robust records management plan
  • How to effectively implement a records management system
  • Understand the best practices in records management
  • How to conducting records appraisal 
  • Understand how to monitor and control a records management system
  • Understand the use of the disaster risk management in electronic record keeping

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Managing Director,

Arusha International Capacity Building Centre,

Mob: +255 789 199 290

Application Form